Dumneata, Dumneavóstră.
In conversation it is usual, instead of using the direct personal pronoun tu, ‘thou,’ voĭ, ‘you,’ to use the compound words dumneata, dumneavóstră, derived from domnia ta, ‘thy lordship,’ domnia vóstră, ‘your lordship.’
These words have thus become a sort of personal pronoun. Dumneavóstră is also used for the singular as well as for the plural:
Ce facețĭ Dumneavóstră domnule, ‘How are you, sir?’
Demonstrate Pronouns.
There are two demonstrative pronouns:
acest, acéstă, ‘this’ (for objects which are near). |
acel, acea, ‘that’ (for objects which are further off). |
They follow the rule of adjectives in agreeing with the nouns they indicate, in gender, number, and case. It is to be observed that a is the definite article for the masculine acest, acel.
We frequently use the abbreviated forms of these demonstratives:
ăst, astă, | for acest. | ăl, aia, | for acel. | ||
ist, iastă, | cel, ceea, |
Interrogative and Relative Pronouns.
We put them under the same head because they are identical in form:
care, ‘which;’ce, ‘what;’cine,‘who.’
Care alone is declinable. Cine has only genitive and dative, a cuĭ, cuĭ.