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Page:A simplified grammar of the Roumanian language.djvu/69

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The impersonal verbs, a ploua, ‘to rain;’ a ninge, ‘to snow;’ a dure, ‘to feel pain,’ are conjugated regularly.

Adverbs (Adverbe).

(1.) Some adjectives in the masculine gender serve as adverbs:

cănta frumos, ‘he (or she) sings beautifully.’

In some of the adverbs we can trace the principle of their formation. For instance, adjectives ending in esc, change this termination to eṣte to form adverbs:

domnesc, ‘princely;’ domneṣte, ‘princely.’
bărbătesc ‘manly;’ bărbăteṣte ‘manly.’
ăngeresc, ‘angelical;’ ăngereṣte, ‘angelically.’

These adverbs, like the adjectives from which they are derived, express for the most part manner or qualification. But there are other adverbs indicating quantity, time, place, affirmation, negation, doubt, of which we give a list, as their number is limited, and they are very frequently used.

(2.) Adverbs of Quantity.

maĭ, more.
încă, (encore), further, still, more.
numaĭ, solely, only.

(3.) Adverbs of Place.

unde, where. dincolo, the other side.
aci, here. dincóce, this side.
acolo, there. afa, without, except, out.