sonal reflectives; as, det får han ångra, 'he will repent of that;' det ångrar mig, 'I regret.'
The irregularities of Swedish verbs scarcely admit of being reduced to any definite classification, but are dependent on various conditions, such as a foreign origin; mere disregard of grammatical construction; or retention of some only of the characteristics of the Old Northern, as may be seen from the following examples:
att bringa, to bring, bragte, bragt. att förgäta, to forget, förgat, förgätit. att dö, to die, dog, dött. att gå, to go, gick, gått. att ligga, to lie, låg, legat. att qväda, to sing, qvad, qvädit. att se, to see, såg, sett. att sofva, to sleep, sof, sofvit. att tälja, to count, talde, talt. att veta, to know, visste, vetat. att äta, to eat, åt, ätit.
Compound verbs are either separable or inseparable; as, att tillhöra, or att höra till, 'to belong to,' and att beklage, 'to complain.' To the former class belong verbs composed of a preposition, adjective, or other independent part of speech; as, att genomborra, 'to bore through,' att frigöra, 'to free;' while to the latter belong generally all verbs compounded of a particle and another verb; as, att erkänna, 'to acknowledge.'
The first conjugation, which includes five-sixths of all the