of my sister;' tjenaren hos generalen, 'the servant of the general;' full med, 'full of;' af gammal familj, 'of an old family;' en man af snille, 'a man of genius.'
Till still governs a genitive as in Old Swedish; as, till fots, 'on foot;' but the Swedish prepositions generally govern the dative or the accusative.
Conjunctions. (Bindeord.)
The conjunction samt, 'with,' 'also,' is frequently used in the place of 'and;' as, Generalen kom med grefven samt presten, 'the general came with the count and the clergyman.'
Ej heller, 'nor,' is used after a negative; as, min fader vet det icke, ej heller min broder, 'neither my father nor my brother knows it.'
Ej, or icke blott, 'not only,' is used in combination with men, 'but,' or utan afven, 'but also,' 'but even;' as, ej blott min fader, men min broder vet det, 'my brother knows it as well as my father;' icke blott fadren, utan öfven brodren trodde det, 'not only the father, but the brother even believed it.'
Att, 'that,' often requires to be preceded by än, 'than,' or för, 'for;' as, barnet är yngre än att det kunna resa allena, 'the child is too young to be able to travel alone;' hon var alt för mycket nedslagen, för att hon skulle gå i sällskap, 'she was much too depressed to go into society;' Svenskarne uppreste sig mot Kristian II, af Danmark, derför att han var en tyrann, 'the Swedes rose against Christian II. of Denmark because he was a tyrant.'