Page:A tale of Three bonnets(NLS104186701).pdf/22

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While be wad shaw his fangs and rage,
With bootless brangling in his cage.
Now folloes that we tak a peep
At Bawsay looking like a sheep,
By Bristle hated and despis'd
By Jouk and Rose as litt'e prz'd.
Soon as the Horse ad heard his Brither,
Jouk and Roſe were prick'd thegither
Away hes scours o'er height and how,
Fou fidging fain late er he doe,
Counting what things he how did mister,
That wad be giren him by his sister.
Like shallow Bards whae ctink they flee,
Because they live sax stories high,
To some poor lifeless incubration,
Prefix a fleeching dedication,
And blythly dreams they'll be restor'd,
To ale house credit by my Lord.
Thus Bawsy's mind in plenty rowd

While he thought on his promis'd gowd
And Baileyship, which he with fines,
Wad mak like the Weſt Indian mines.
Arrives, with future greatness dizzy,
Ca's, Whar's Mest Jouk ?
Beef. Mest Jouk, is biſy,
Baw. My Lady Rosie, is the at leisure?
Beef. No Sir, My Lady's at her pleasure,
Baw. I wait for her or nin, go thew.—
Beef. And pray ye master what are you?
Baw. Upon my saul, this porter's saucy,
Sirrah, Go tell my name is Bawsy,
Their brither that made up the Marriage.
Beef. And so I thougt it by your carriage