Page:A tale of Three bonnets(NLS104186701).pdf/6

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Wha at her table fed and ranted.
With the stou ale she never wanted.
She was a winsome wench and waly.
And could put on her claithes fu' brawly,
Ramble to i ka market town.
And drink and fight like a dragoon:
Just sic like her wha far aff wander'd,
To get hersel well Alexander'd,
Rose had a word o' meikle siller,
Whilk brought a hantle woo-rs till her.
Amang the rest young Master Jouk.
She conquer'd ae day wi’ a look:
Frae that time forth he ne'er could stay,
Ar hame to mind his corn or Ray,
But grew a beau and did adorn
Himself with fifty bows o’ corn,
Forby what he took on to rigg
Him out with linen, shoon and wig.
Snuff boers sword-knots canes and washes,
And sweeties to bestow on lasses,
Could newest aiths gentealy swear.
And had a course of flaws perquire;
He drank and danc'd and sigh’d to move.
Fair Rosie to accept his love,
Afar dumb signs he thus began,
And spake his mini to’er like a man.

Jokum. O tak me Rone to ypur arms,
And ter me revel o'er your charms;
It ye say na I need na care
For rapes or tethers made d hair,
Pen-Knives or pools I winna need.
That minute ye say na, I’m dead.