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the troops were not attacked by the disease until the middle of July. Nevertheless, theywere in daily and unrestricted intercourse with the townspeople. Not a single case of cholera occurred within the precincts of the Jail, altlhough 700 prisoners were confined within its walls, the convicts working in the streets of the in- fected city during the daytime.* On the 8th of April, Cawnpore, Bithoor, and the adjoining villages were affected, the disease remaining in full force for some fifteen days; it visited Furruckabad in May, but appeared little disposed to extend in that direction. " Bareilly, Moradabad, and almost every other town in the same line enjoyed their wonted health. The town and district of Shajehanpore formed a remarkable ex- ception to the general healthiness of the Province of Bareilly. There the disease appeared in July, and is reported to have killed upwards of 6000 of its in- habitants, "f

2. We may now trace the progress of the epidemic from Bundelcund, in which province it was reproduced in March and April, 1818. In May it had extended in a north-westerly direction to Btwah, visiting only one or two isolated spots in the Dooab. It was at Muttra early in June, and at Agra in July. On the 20th of the month it was generated at Delhi, and on the 28th at Meerut, skipping over all the intermediate towns and villages, but remaining in the above-named localities for a month or so, and then gradually dis- appearing. On the 23rd of July, a body of European and native troops marched from Meerut to Hansi. They were perfectly free from disease, and passed through Delhi on the 29th (the cholera being then at

  • Tytler " On Cholera,' ' Lancet,' vol. i, p. 112.

t Jameson's ' Report.'