montlis later (in Maj, 1820), Moorcroft incidentally mentions the existence of cholera of ,a virulent type to tlie north-west of Lahore,* which in all probability was a continuation of the invading cholera we have been tracing fi'om Bundelcund into the north-western provinces of India and the Punjab, for Sir Richard Temple informs us that the Punjab was visited severely by the disease in the year 1820. f
Trom Bundelcund the cholera spread into the districts of Saugui' and JSTagpore during the months of April and May, 1818, and may be traced westward to Bhilsa, Bhopal, and Oujein, which it reached on the 9th of May. In June it appeared at Kotah, but does not appear to have crossed the AravuUi mountains. The epidemic extended from east to west along the vaUey of the JS'erbudda and Tapty rivers. We find it early in April at Mundlah, Hoshungabad, and Mooltae. On the loth of May it was at Nagpore. In this quarter it, as usual, gave evidence of its capricious nature ; " it was not met with beWeen Nagpore and Mooltae, a distance of seventy miles, and Bantool, a large town in the direct road from the river to Mooltae^ was entirely exempt from its visitation."! On the 3rd of July the disease was in full force at Jaulna. " In the province of Candeish, where there is not sufl&cient population, and but little intercourse between the villages, its progress was slow; it appeared in the capital of the district in the middle of July, and at the end of "A-Ugust at Surat." Dr. Kennedy says the disease was im- ported from the former to the latter place by a body of
- ' Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and tlie Pun-
jab from 1819 to 1825.' By W. Moorcroft. London.
t ' The Localities in India exempt from Cholera,' p. 78. By Surgeon Edward Balfour. Madras, 1856.
X Jameson's ' Report.'