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And supported by the most distinguished physicians in the United States, among which are Professors Bigelow, Channing, Chapman, Coxe, De Butts, Dewees, Dickson, Dudley, Francis, Gibson, Hare, Henderson, Horner, Hosack, Jackson, Macneven, Mott, Mussey, Physick, Potter, Sewall, Warren, and Worthington; Drs. Daniell, Drake, Emerson, Fearn, Geddings, Griffith, Hale, Hays, Hayward, Ives, Jackson, Moultric, Ware, and Wright. It is published punctuclly on the first of November, February, May, and August. Each No. contains about 280 large 8vo. pages, and one or more plates—being a greater amount of matter than is furnished by any other Medical Journal in the United States. Price $5 per annum.

The following extracts show the estimation in which this Journal is held in Europe:—

Several of the American Journals are before us. * * * Of these the American Journal of the Medical Sciences is by far the better periodical; it is, indeed, the best of the trans-atlantic medical publications; and, to make a comparison nearer home, is in most respects superior to the great majority of European works of the same description.”—The Lancet, Jan, 1831.

"We need scarcely refer our esteemed and highly eminent cotemporary, [The American Journal of the Medical Sciences) from whom we quote, to our critical remarks on the opinions of our own countrymen, or to the principles which influence us in the discharge of our editorial duties.” “Our copious extracts from his unequalled publication, unnoticing multitudes of others which come before {us, are the best proof of the esteem which we entertain for his talents and abilities."—London Medical and Surgical Journal, March, 1830.

The American Journal of the Medical Sciences is one of the most complete and best edited of the numerous periodical publications of the United States.”—Bulletin des Sciences Medicales, Tom. XIV.

Contents of No. XIII. published November, 1830.

Original Communications.—Essays.—Chronic Intumescence of the Tongue. By Thomas Harris, M. D. Surgeon of the United States’ Naval Hospital, in Philadelphia, and one of the Surgeons of the Pennsylvania Hospital. [With a plate.]—Experiments and Observations on the Endosmose and Exosmose of Gases, and the Relation of these Phenomena with the Function of Respiration. By Edwin D. Faust, M. D. of Columbia, S. C.—On the Penetrativeness of Fluids. By. J. K. Mitchell, M. D. Lecturer on Medical Chemistry in the Philadelphia Medical Institute.—Notes of Cases of Angina Pectoris, with some Remarks. By N. Chapman, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic and Clinical Practice in the University of Pennsylvania.—On the Comparative Influence of Vegetable and Animal Decomposition as a Cause of Fever. By Usher Parsons, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, Providence College, R. [.—Reports of Cases treatéd at the Baltimore Alms-house Infirmary. By Thomas H. Wright, M. D. Physician to the Institution.—Case of Trismus Nascentium, m which Tracheotomy was successfully performed. By John Bellinger, M.D. Read to the Medical Society of South Carolina.—Irritation of the Spinal Cord. By William Hitch, M. D. of Baltimore.—Case of Ruptured Urethra. By S.J. Stratford, Esq. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London.——Reviews.—Grundriss der Physiologie. Von Dr. Karl Asmund Rudolphi. Elements of Physiology. By Dr. Charles Asmund Rudolphi, Professor of Med. &c. Berlin, Vols. I., U., and III., 1821-1828.—Des Hémorrhoïdes, ou Traité Analytique de toutes les Affections Hemorrhoïdales. Par A.J. Montégre. 1 vol. in 8yo. 2d. ed. Paris, 1830.—Traité des Plaies de Téte et de Encéphalite. Par J. P. Gama, M. D. Prof. a l'Hopital Milit. de Instruct. du Val-de-Grace. Paris, 1830.——Bibliographical Notices.—The Dyspeptic’s Monitor, &c. By S. W. Avery, M. D. New York, 1830, pp. 152, 8vo—Theorie der Krankheit, &c. Theory of Diseases, or General Pathology. By Ph. C. Hartmann, Doct. of Med. and Professor in the University of Vienna, &c.—Nouvelles Recherches sur l'Endosmose et l'Exosmose, &c. Par M. Dutrochet, Correspondent de l’Institute, &c. 8vo. pp. 106. Paris, 1828.—Encyclopadisches Worterbuch der medicinischen Wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von den Professoren der médicinischen Facultat zu Berlin. C. F. v. Graefe, C. W. Hufeland, H. F. Link, K. A. Rudolphi. Dritter Band. (Antiphathie—Attractio.) Berlin, 1829, und Vierter Band, (Attrahentia—Band, ) 1830.—Handbuch der speciellen, medicinischen Pathologie und Therapie, &e. Manual of Special Medical Pathology and Therapeutics. By J. N. von Raimann, M.D. &e. 3d edit. enlarged and improved. Zvols. Vienna, 1826.—Manuel Complet de Médecine Légale. Par C. Sedillot, D. M. P. Paris, 1830, pp. 511, 12mo.—Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Surgery. By John Abernethy, F. R. S. &e. C. S. Francis, New York, 1830, pp. 190, 8vo.—Recherches Anatomiques, Physiologiques et Pathologiques sur le Systeme Veineux. Par M. G. Breschet, 7 Livraisons, Fol. Paris, 1829.—The influence of Modern Physical Education of Females in producing and confirming Deformity of the Spine. By E. W. Duffin, Surgeon. Boston, 1830, pp. 140, 12mo,—Manual of Therapeutics. By L. Martinet, D. M. P. translated with alterations and additions. By R. Norton, M. D. Extraordinary Member of the Med. Society of Edinburgh. Lond. 1830, pp. 325, 12mo.