Page:A veteran naturalist - being the life and work of W.B. Tegetmeier (IA veterannaturalis00richuoft).pdf/17

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His interest in the fancy points of poultry and pigeons was kept alive for a time by the nature of his work with Darwin; when the scientific interest of variations in shape and plumage had been exhausted they became trifles; and he then devoted himself to the promotion of utility poultry and utility pigeons. The domestic fowl was to be encouraged for the table and as a layer, without regard to external points, save as indicative of breed. The only pigeon in which he preserved his interest was that which had been the hobby of his youthful days, the Homer; but the bird which had been his plaything as a boy was made to reveal valuable uses by Tegetmeier in manhood. He did more than anyone in the kingdom to open the eyes of the public to the value of the services the Homer could be made to give. During the 'seventies he was much before the public as the organiser of great flights of birds from the Crystal Palace. These public displays were regarded by him simply as means to the end he had in view. Knowing what Continental nations were doing with the Homer in connection with military work, his aim was to awaken general interest and to persuade our own military authorities to make similar use of the abundant material that was ready to their hands; and he worked at the business by public demonstration, by writing and by lecture, with his usual tireless energy. xi.