Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/227

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Clocking-hens of Brazil.

Coconut-trees in Brazil.

Cotton (Silk) its growth and description.

Crusia, a fowl.

Cupang, see Kupang.

Curlew, a fowl.

Currecoo (Bird) described.

Currents in the sea, from 7 degrees 50 minutes latitude to 3 degrees 22 minutes north.

Curreso (Bird).

Custard-apple described.

Cuttlefish, see also Scuttle-fish.

Dendees, a sort of palm-berries in Brazil.

Dogs, see Water-dogs.

Dunghill-fowls of Brazil.

Fish of New Holland.

Fish of the tunny kind, an account of.

Fish called by the seamen the old-wife, an account of.

Flamingo, a fowl.

Flying-fish, betwixt the Canaries and Cape Verde Islands.

Frape-boat, its use at the salt-pond at Mayo.