Alexandra bridge. The Grand Trunk Railway passes through Ottawa on its way from the Atlantic to the Great Lakes. The city is a terminus of the Ottawa and New York Railway. The Canadian Northern Railway line from Toronto will shortly be completed.
Canadian Pacific Railway.
Central Station (opposite Chateau Laurier)—Trains to Caledonia Springs. Montreal, New York, Quebec and the east; and to Pembroke, Winnipeg and the west.
Union Station—Trains for the Gatineau Valley, Brockville, Kingston, Peterboro', Toronto and the west.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Central Station (opposite the Chateau Laurier)—Trains to Montreal, New York, Quebec and the east; Algonquin National Park, Parry Sound and Georgian Bay.
Ottawa and New York Railway.
Central Station (opposite the Chateau Laurier)—Train to Cornwall and New York.
- "Daffodil," 106½ Sparks st.
- Murphy-Gamble, Ltd., 120 Sparks st.
- Russell Café, Sparks st.
- Chateau Laurier, (open about Nov. 1st, 1911).