Page:Abbot's Guide to Ottawa.djvu/67

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M. ROOM C. EDEY, archi Appraiser, Designer and Superin- tendent of all kinds of buildings 15,51 SPARKS STREET T ECT, OTTAWA Quiet and Homelike. Opposite Parliament Buildings BODEGA HOTEL But a Minute's walk to Central Depot Cor- Wellington and Elgin Sts- P- P- Salter, Prop. •THE OLD RELIABLE" PARKER'S DYE WORKS 260 Sparks Street, Near Kent. Thirty-five years in the one siand doing the best work in Canada is our greatest recommendation. Only One Store and Only One Phone, 7-0 8 Don't make a mistake. When A _.]____ ^««^^««« L w i M »» .«.,.*• J^ t , a - you want the best work done A phone message brings our driver promptly, call on the old firm. =^== === ^^=^ ===== =^=^ == = The Ottawa Electric Company 35 SPARKS STREET Headquarters Jor Electric Light, Heat and Power EXPERT ADVICE POLITE ATTENTION LOW RATES r me selection of electric light fixtures, shades and special appliances always on nana. It will pay you to consult us when you intend to install anything electrical. THE OTTAWA ELECTRIC COMPANY 35 SPARKS STREET.