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taken much trouble with the papers that have been sent to him from time to time, and has constantly assisted me with his advice. It is impossible for me to say how deeply I am indebted to him.

The Honorable John Madden, LL.D., M.P., Minister of Justice, has very kindly lent aid whenever I have had to make demands on his time.

Baron von Mueller, C.M.G., the Government Botanist, has furnished information respecting the vegetation of the colony, and has made suggestions, also, in relation to other researches.

My obligations to Professor Halford, of the Melbourne University, are very great. His notes containing the results of his examination of the skulls of the natives are especially interesting.

Mr. G. H. F. Ulrich, F.G.S., was good enough to examine the stone implements, and I was glad to avail myself of his assistance, because of his accurate knowledge and large experience as a mineralogist.

Lastly, my thanks are especially due to Mr. John Ferres, the Government Printer, whose high attainments are already everywhere acknowledged; to Major Richard Shepherd, for the care and skill bestowed by him in preparing the greater number of the drawings; and to Mr. F. Grosse, the engraver, for the like attention given to the drawings and the wood-cuts.

Melbourne, 13th November 1876.