And ""Which is your camp?" is—
Woonmanda | baang | ma | gningaloong? |
Which or where | camp | of | yours? |
And "What are you carrying in your hand?" is—
Nanma | kertbato | man | braa | guinga? |
What | carry | in | hand | yours? |
7. To express the pronoun " my," they say, "for my spear," Waal ma gnetal (spear of mine); "thy spear" is Waal ma gningal (spear of thine); and "his spear" is Waal ma gnungal (spear of his).
8. The distributive pronouns I have found very difficult, as it is hard to make the blacks understand what is meant. I give you one sentence to show the way the pronoun "each" is used. "I will give each of you a spear" is—
Bremba | gegwanatha | waal | ma | gnurtagnangno. |
To each | give I | spear | and | to all of you. |
I suppose equivalent to our expression "I will give to each and all of you a spear."
9. The indefinite pronouns are not declined.
10. The adverbs, also, I have found difficult to obtain. The word "homeward" I have given as Mellagan; but this merely expresses "to return," and is mostly used to express returning to one's settled home, or to home for the time being. The words I have not given I have failed to procure. I do not think their equivalents exist in the language.
11. Of the prepositions I have given you all I could get, and I add a few sentences to show how they are used. To express "between"—as, for instance, "I was between two kangaroos," they say—
Moona | booth | jirrowa. |
I was | between | kangaroos. |
"Put that rug over the camp" is—
Kinowa | marook | munana | moola | booloboolotha | baanga. |
Put | rug | that | way | over | camp. |
"I will go with you" is—
Kickanat | thoolo | uanga | nindo. |
Go I | there | with | you. |
And "I was under the tree" is—
Thangana | kallacka | thin | ma gnat. |
Under | tree | was I. |