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Page:Above the battle.djvu/161

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War Literature

destroying the future of Europe. Since then he has written some beautiful poems, one of which, an Invocation to Peace, is inspired with deep feeling and classical simplicity, and will find its way to many an oppressed heart.

Jeder hat's gehabt
Keiner hat's geschætzt.
Jeden hat der süsse Quell gelabt.
O wie klingt der Name Friede jetzt

Klingt so fern und zag,
Klingt so tranenschwer,
Keiner weiss und kennt den Tag,
Jeder sehnt ihn vol Verlangen her.…

("Each one possessed it, but no one prized it. Like a cool spring it refreshed us all. What a sound the word Peace has for us now!

"Distant it sounds, and fearful, and heavy with tears. No one knows or can name the day for which all sigh with such longing.")

The attitude of the younger reviews is curious: for whereas the older, traditional reviews (those which correspond to our Revue des Deux Mondes or our Revue de Paris) are more or less affected by military fervour—thus, for instance, the Neue Rundschau, which printed Thomas Mann's