Page:Abraham (Roswitha, Lambert 1922).djvu/29

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FRIEND. Reverend Father, good day to you.

AB. Good day to you, my kind friend. I have waited tor you so long that at last I was on the point of despairing of your return.

FR. I delayed my visit till now because I did not venture to cause you fresh worry by bringing you rumours only. But as soon as I discovered the truth, I hurried back to you.

AB. Have you seen Mary?

FR. I have.

AB. Where?

FR. My story is a wretched one!

AB. But tell it to me, I implore you.

FR. She has taken up her abode in a house of ill-fame, kept by a man who is fond of her and treats her well - and no wonder, seeing that every day he draws a substantial income from the lovers she receives!

AB. The…lovers…Mary…receives?

FR. Yes.

AB. Who are these lovers?

FR. There are ever so many of them.

AB. Oh dear! Good Lord! How horrible! Do I understand that she whom