Page:Abraham Lincoln, A Story and a Play.djvu/34

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were pointed at the body of the red man. The men were so angry, however, that they were not willing to obey the order of their captain.

"Are you soldiers, and yet willing to kill a poor old man who cannot defend himself? You would bring disgrace upon your country by such a cowardly deed!" cried Lincoln, in ringing tones. His eyes were fairly blazing as he spoke.

"He's a spy!" answered one of the men.

"If it be true," said Lincoln, "he must die. But till it is proved, any one who attempts to kill him, must settle with me. I am ready to fight it out with each one of you. In the meantime, disband."

The men, with deep scowls, lowered their guns and turned away. Lincoln was left alone with the Indian. He examined the pass and saw that it was a true one.

"You are free," he said to the old man. Too grateful to answer in words, the Indian knelt down and kissed the feet of the young captain.

After the War

When the Black Hawk War came to an end, Lincoln went back to New Salem, reaching his