Page:Abstract of the evidence for the abolition of the slave-trade 1791.djvu/110

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The offences said to occasion the same.

If it should be asked for what offences the different punishments now cited have taken place, the following answer may be given.

The slaves appear to have been punished, as far as can be ascertained from the evidence under the head of ordinary punishments, for not coming into the field in time, not picking a sufficient quantity of grass, not appearing willing to work, when in fact sick and not able, for staying too long on an errand, for not coming immediately when called, for not bringing home (the women) the full weekly sum enjoined by their owners, for running away, and for theft, to which they were often driven by hunger.

Under the head of "extraordinary punishments" some appear to have suffered for running away, or for lifting up a hand against a white man, or for breaking a plate, or spilling a cup of tea, or to extort confession. Others again in the moments of sudden resentment, and one on a diabolical pretext, which the master held out to the world to conceal his own villainy, and which he knew to be false.

Under the head of "the part which the very women take in these punishments," a female slave is punished for being found pregnant; another for not bringing home the full wages of prostitution; another for jealousy on the part of her mistress; others again from an opinion that slaves could not be managed without severity; and others in the moments of passion, without even the allegation of a fault. In short, it appears that they are often punished as caprice and passion dictates, and to such lengths do people go whose minds are depraved by the exercise of unlimited power, that we find an instance in the evidence, related by Dr. Harrison, (who knows also others of the kind) of a man buying a negro, who belonged to another man, but who mimicked him, for the purpose of gratifying his revenge. After having bought him, he ordered him to be punished, and the consequence was, that the slave cut his own throat.
