Page:Abstract of the evidence for the abolition of the slave-trade 1791.djvu/5

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IN consequence of the numerous Petitions which were sent to Parliament from different Counties, Cities, and Towns of Great Britain, in the year 1788, for the abolition of the slave-trade, it was determined by the House of Commons to hear Evidence upon that subject.

The Slave-Merchants and Planters accordingly brought forward several persons as witnesses, the first in behalf of the continuance of Slave-trade, the latter in defence of the Colonial Slavery. These were heard and examined in the years 1789 and 1790.

Several persons were afterwards called on the side of the petitioners of Great Britain, to substantiate the foundation of their several petitions, and to invalidate several points of the evidence which the others had offered. These were examined in the years 1790, and 1791.


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