Page:Abstract of the evidence for the abolition of the slave-trade 1791.djvu/71

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The paged version of this document contained the following header content in the margin: This mode and its consequences confirmed by another species of proof.

  Feet Inches
Length of the Lower Deck, gratings and bulk-heads included at AA 100 0
Breadth of Beam on the Lower Deck inside, BB 25 4
Depth of Hold OOO from cieling to cieling 10 0
Height between decks from deck to deck 5 8
Length Of the Mens Room, CC on the lower deck 46 0
Breadth of the Mens Room, CC on the lower deck 25 4
Length of the Platforms, DD in the mens room 46 0
Breadth of the Platforms in the mens room on each side 6 0
Length of the Boys Room, EE 13 9
Breadth of the Boys Room 25 0
Breadth of Platforms, FF in boys room 6 0
Length of Womens Room, GG 28 6
Breadth of Womens Room 23 6
Length of Platforms, HH in womens room 28 6
Breadth of Platforms, in womens room 6 0
Length of the Gun Room, II on the lower deck 10 6
Breadth of the Gun Room, on the lower deck 12 0
Length of the Quarter Deck, KK 33 6
Breadth of the Quarter Deck 19 6
Length of the Cabin, LL 14 0
Height of the Cabin 6 2
Length of the Half Deck, MM 16 6
Height of the Half Deck 6 2
Length of the Platforms, NN on the half deck 16 6
Breadth of the Platforms, on the half deck 6 0
Upper deck, PP

Let it now be supposed that the above are the real dimensions of the ship Brookes, and farther, that every man slave is to be allowed six feet by one foot four inches for room, every woman five feet ten by one foot four, every boy five feet by one foot two, and every girl four feet six by one foot, it will follow that the annexed Plan of a slave-vessel will be precisely the representation of the ship Brookes, and of the exact number of personsneither