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Waldorf–Astoria, however, conveys quite a different idea, and one naturally associates with such a name all the pomp and splendor, glitter and circumstance, that unlimited wealth and lavish expenditure can bestow. It is a name, once heard, not readily forgotten, and in this manner the purpose of its originators has been served.

Upon the other hand, many a well-born individual, who might have lived and died a useful member of society, has had his future wellfare hopelessly handicapped at the outset of life's journey, through the ludicrous and inane efforts of his progenitors to bestow upon him a name which might render him conspicuous among his fellows.

But seriously, a suitable name, for an undertaking such as the present, is a very important feature.

Such names as the Maritime Magazine, the Acadian Magazine, or the New Brunswick Quarterly, have been suggested. Ths first gives the impression that it relates to matters of the sea only; the second was objected to for the reason that the Acadian Monthly is already a live issue in Maritime Province literature; while the third was not applicable, owing to the fact that the scope of this magazine was intended to be of a wider range than the name New Brunswick would convey.

To Mr. I. Allen Jack we are indebted for the suggestion which ultimately led to the adoption of our present title. Some years ago he commenced a series of articles, which he designated "Acadienses," in the Week, of Toronto, relating to matters pertaining to that district of North America formerly known as Acadia. A modification of this idea has resulted in the choice of the title, by which, we trust, this periodical may be known to the literary public for some time to come. The name is short, concise, significant and phonetic. Acadia is a title now recognized by the scientific world as applying to the territory embraced within the area of the Maritime Provinces, including a small portion of the