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over to Isle St. Jean where they remained till towards 1770. Then they went to Nepisiguit, where we find them in June, 1772. Thence they went to Miscou island, where the Abbe Bourg afterwards baptized several of their children. They finally left that island towards 1780 and settled for good at Bathurst Village, being among the number of the first settlers in that locality. They are the ancestors of all the Melansons of Gloucester.

Where and when did Jacau de Fiedmond die? I have no information on this point; nor do I know whether he was married or whether he left any descendants. His "Journal of Beausejour" was published in its entirety, without name of author, in the 9th volume of "documents belonging to M. de Nicolai" (Levis papers), published at Quebec in 1895 under the direction of the Abbe Casgrain[1]

It is the most complete account that has been written of the siege of Beausejour.


(From the Book Lover.)

The Northern Muse looked upInto the ancient tree,Where hung the seven applesAnd twine the roses three.
I heard, like the eternalSusurrus of the sea,Her "Scire quod sciendumDa mihi, Domine!"

  1. Relations and Journals of different Expeditions made between 1755 and 1760. pp. 7–51.)