Page:Account of John Harrison and his chronometer.djvu/13

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of the Watch, signed by those Witnesses sealed up immediately with the precaution above mentioned and sent to the Lords of the Admiralty. That his Son is sufficiently qualified for making these Observations can be attested by the above Mr. Robertson.

This Experiment as your Memorialist apprehends is what the Act of Parliament concerning the Longitude demands and requires to be made.

But your Memorialist humbly further proposes, that upon the first opportunity of a Kings Ship returning to England, his Son may be Ordered by this Board, to make Observations of equal Altitudes before Witnesses and that the times of these equal Altitudes shall be marked down by the times shown by the Watch, Signed by those Witnesses, Sealed up as above prescribed, and transmitted to the Lords of the Admiralty. And that he be Ordered to go on board the said Ship and that upon is return tot Portsmouth, Mr. Robertson may be directed to take equal Altitudes, and that the times of them be marked down by the times of the Watch, Sealed up as before, and transmitted ty Mr. Robertson to the Lords of the Admiralty.