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evening anchored off Draco Point, to make his diſposition for the attack, and wait for the wind to the ſouthward.—It was agreed between us, that the remaining ſhips with me ſhould weigh at the ſame moment, his Lordſhip did, and menace the Crown batteries, and the four ſhips of the line that lay at the entrance of the arſenal; as alſo to cover our diſabled ships as they came out of action.

I have now the honour to incloſe a copy of Vice-Admiral Lord Nelſon’s report to me of the action on the 2d inſt. His Lordſhip has ſtated so fully the whole of his proceedings on that day, as only to leave me the opportunity to teſtify my entire acquieſcence and teſtimony of the bravery and intrepidity with which the action was ſupported throughout the line. Was it poſſible for me to add any thing to the well-earned renown of Lord Nelſon, it would be by aſſerting, that his exertions, great as they have, heretofore been, never were carried to a higher pitch of zeal for his country's ſervice. I have only to lament that the ſort of attack, confined within an intricate and narrow paſſage, excluded the ſhips particularly under my command from the opportunity of exhibiting their valour; but I can with great truth aſſert, that the ſame ſpirit and zeal animated the whole of the fleet; and I truſt that the conteſt in which we are engaged, will, on ſome future day, afford them an occaſion of ſhewing that the whole were inſpired with the same ſpirit, had the field been ſufficiently extenſive to have brought it into action It is with the deepeſt concern I mention the loſs of Captains Moſs and Riou, two very brave and gallant officers, and whoſe loſs, as I am well informed, will be ſensibly felt by the families they have left behind them; the former a wife and children, the latter, an aged mother. From the known gallantry of Sir Thomas Thomſon on former occaſions, the naval ſervice will have to regret the loſs of the future exertions of that brave officer, whoſe leg was ſhot off.