Page:Account of the dispute between Russia, Sweden & Denmark, and Great Britain.pdf/19

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Vice-Admiral in the Fleet of his Britannic Majeſty, and the Hon. William Stewart, Lieutenant-Colonel in his Britannic Majeſty’s Service, and Member of Parliament, and commanding a Detachment of his Britannic Majeſty's Forces embarked; these ſaid Commiſſioners have met this day, and having exchanged their reſpective Powers, have agreed upon the following terms:

Art. I. From the moment of the ſignature of the Armiſtice all hoſtilities ſhall immediately ceaſe between the fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, and the City of Copenhagen, and all the armed ſhips and Veſſels of his Daniſh Majeſty in the road or harbour of that city, as likewiſe between the different Iſlands and Provinces of Denmark, Jutland included.

Art. II. The armed ſhips and veſſels belonging to his Daniſh Majeſty, ſhall remain in their preſent actual ſituation as to armament, equipment, and hoſtile poſition; and the treaty commonly underſtood as the Treaty of Armed Neutrality ſhall, as far as relates to the co-operation of Denmark, be ſuſpended, while the Armiſtice remains in force:

On the other ſide, the armed ſhips and veſſ under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, ſhall in no manner whatſoever moleſt the city of Copenhagen or his Danish Majeſty's armed ſhips and veſſels on the coaſts of the different Iſlands and Provinces of Denmark, Jutland included; and in order to avoid every thing which might otherwiſe create uneasineſs or jealouſy, Sir Hyde Parker ſhall not ſuffer any of the ſhips or veſſels under his command to approach within gun-ſhot of the armed ſhips or Forts of his Daniſh Majeſty’s in the Road of Copenhagen: this reſtriction ſhall not, however, extend to veſſels neceſſarily paſſing or repaſſing through the Gaſpar or King’s Channel.

Art. III. This Armiſtice is to protect the city of Copenhagen, as alſo the coaſts of Denmark, of Jut-