Page:Account of the imprisonment and execution of Poor Dennis.pdf/13

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a tall man, the gallows was low, and his feet at times touched the ground. After hanging the limited time, he was cut down and given to his friends; he was carried to the nearest cabin, and as is almost always done in Ireland, all the vulgar methods in use were practised to recover him; his feet were put in warm water, he was blooded by a countryman with a rusty lancet, aud rubbed with spirits, which were likewise applied to his nostrils and lips, and poured down his throat. He opened, at length, his eyes and milk was given him from a woman's breast, which, in Ireland, is considered a medicine of great efficacy.

When night came on, he resolved to go to his employer's house, which, across the fields, was not more than four miles off. He was advised to lay aside his dead-dress, now that he had so unexpectedly come among the living; but it was too valuable a piece of finery, and had cost Dennis too much oratory the preceding day, to be parted with so readily. He met nobody on the road; but if he had, his dress would have been his