Page:Account of the imprisonment and execution of Poor Dennis.pdf/22

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unaccustomed to this mode of salutation, began to make off as fast as his load would permit—perhaps thinking, like the man in the play, if that was the way his new acquaintance "backed" his friend, "the devil take such backing!" but he could not help turning round now and then to bite the leg of his daring rider. Nevertheless, the hardy German kept his seat, in spite of the smart and streams of blood which were trickling down his legs, till one of the company came up, knocked the weary bear on the head, and dispatched him. The German was justly proud of his exploits; but when the excitement which had carried him through the perilous adventure was over, he exclaimed, "dur tyfil!" I'll never again ride a pear without a pridle.




Donald More, a dashing young drover from somewhere benorth the