Page:Account of the melancholy death of seven young men.pdf/5

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the boat was procured, and they proceeded on their excursion. As the boat left the shore the church bells summoned the people to the house of God! Graham listened, and his cheek flushed with something like shame at the thought of his conduct. Thomson perceived it, and immediately began to deride him. Thomas, said he, I see you have not entirely got quit of these qualms, I know that you are not divested of your psalm-singing notions, but to efface these foolish feelings, I will just sing you a stave of a merry song, so saying he applied a bottle of whisky which they had in the boat, and then proceeded with a coarse song. Graham declared that it was certainly foolish, but he could not be entirely easy, so many accidents happened on Sunday, it might be superstition, but he recollected the time that he looked on such accidents as so many judgments. Thomson immediately affirmed that he wanted no such methodist cant, that every Sunday in the year when the weather was fine, he had an aquatic excursion, and then pouring out a volley of oaths, declared that he was never drowned yet. Graham now began to be ashamed of his fear, and tried to be as thoughtless as his companions. It was a delightful morning, for the season and all around seemed to proclaim