Page:Account of the trial of Captain John Porteous.pdf/3

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Miller Taylor in Edinburgh, David Ogilvy Writer in Edinburgh, and James Nivan late Servant to William Sellars Writer in Edinburgh: In so far as, That upon the 14th of April then last, he being ordered to attend at the Execution of the deceast Andrew Wilson, to preserve the Peace and support the Executioner in the Discharge of his Duty, having under his Command a Detachment of about 70 Men of the City Guard, having attended accordingly, he, after the said Andrew Wilson had hung upon the Gallows till he was dead, shaking off all Fear of God and Respect to his Majesty's Laws, and conceiving a most wicked and malicious Purpose of destroying, wounding and maiming Numbers of his Majesty's Subjects, the Inhabitants of the City of Edinburgh, and others there assembled at the said Execution, without any just Cause or necessary Occasion, ordered the said Detachment of the City Guard under his Command to fire upon the People so assembled at the said Execution; and, that the Men so under his Command, at least severals of them, having fired over the Heads of the Multitude, so as to avoid doing them any Harm, that he, with Threats and Imprecations, repeated his Commands to fire, calling out to them, to level their Pieces and be damnned, or Words to that Purpose; and that at or about the same Time he levelled the Firelock that was in his Hand, taking Aim at the above mentioned Charles Husband, and most wickedly and murderously fired at him, whereupon he immediately dropt to the Ground; at least, that he so levelled his Piece, and appeared to take his Aim at some one of the innocent Multitude, who happened to stand directly over against him, and didfire