Page:Account of the trial of Captain John Porteous.pdf/8

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and upon the firing either by himself or them, the Persons mentioned in the Indictment, or any of them, were killed or wounded, or the Pannel's being guilty Art and Part of any of the foresaid Crimes, all separatim relevant to infer the Pains of Law: But allows the Pannel to adduce what Evidence he can, with respect to his Behaviour, at the Time the foresaid Crimes are libelled to have been committed, for taking off the Circumstances which shall be brought, for inferring his being guilty of or Art and Part of the Crimes libelled, and remits, &c.

The Verdict of the JURY.

WE all in one Voice find it proven. That the said JOHN PORTEOUS Pannel, fired a Gun among the People assembled at the Place of Execution, and Time libelled; As also. That he gave Orders to the Soldiers under his Command to fire, and upon his or their so firing, the Persons mentioned in the Indictment were killed and wounded. And find it proven, That the Pannel and his Guard were attacked, and beat by several Stones of a considerable Bigness, thrown amongst them by the Multitude, whereby several of the Soldiers were bruised and wounded.

Whereupon the Lords sentenced him to be excute in the Grass Market upon the 8th Day of September next.