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into Thy favour a son who returns repentant to Thy feet. My Father, I ask pardon from Thee. I have offended Thee unjustly, I have left Thee wrongfully. Thou didst not deserve to be treated as I have treated Thee. I repent and I grieve with all my heart. Pardon me. "Cast me not away from Thy presence," (Ps. li. 11). Do not turn away Thy face from me; do not drive me from Thee as I deserve that Thou shouldst. Remember the Blood which Thou hast shed for me, and have mercy upon me. My Jesus, I desire no other Judge than Thee.

S. Thomas of Villanova said, " I willingly submit to the judgment of Him Who died for me, and that I might not be condemned, suffered Himself to be condemned to the cross." And before him, S. Paul said, " Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died .... for us." (Rom. viii. 34.) My Father, I love Thee, and for the time to come, I wish never more to leave Thy feet.

Do Thou forget the wrongs which I have committed against Thee, and give me a great love towards Thy goodness. I desire to love Thee more than I have sinned against Thee, but if Thou dost not help me, I am unable to love Thee. Help me, my Jesus; make me live a life ever grateful to Thy love, so that in that day I may be found "in the valley, amongst the number of Thy lovers.

Second Point.

When all those who are dead shall have arisen, it shall be intimated to them by the angels that they must all go to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, there to be judged, " Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near." (Joel iii. 14.) Then when all are assembled there, the angels shall come, and shall separate the wicked from the just, " The angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just." (S. Matt. xiii. 49.) The just will remain on the right hand, and the wicked will be banished to the left hand. What anguish it would cause any one to be expelled from society or from the Church. But how much greater anguish will it cause that one who is expelled from the company of the saints? How, think you, the wicked will be confounded when the just