Page:Acharnians and two other plays (1909).djvu/180

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Aristophanes' Plays

Eu. A pismire, how droll! I shall laugh till I burst!
Let Jupiter thunder, and threaten his worst.570

Hoo. But mankind, will they, think ye, respect and adore,
If they see us all flying the same as before?
They will reckon us merely as Magpies and Crows.

Peis. Poh! nonsense, I tell ye—no blockhead but knows
That Mercury flies; there is Iris too;
Homer informs us how she flew:
"Smooth as a Dove, she went sailing along."
And pinions of gold, both in picture and song,
To Cupid and Victory fairly belong.575

Hoo. But Jove's thunder has wings; if he send but a volley
Mankind for a time may abandon us wholly.

Peis. What then? we shall raise a granivorous troop,
To sweep their whole crops with a ravenous swoop:
If Ceres is able, perhaps she may deign,
To assist their distress, with a largess of grain. . . .580

Eu. No no! she'll be making excuses, I warrant.

Peis. Then the Crows will be sent on a different errand,
To pounce all at once, with a sudden surprise,
On their oxen and sheep, to peck out their eyes,
And leave them stone blind for Apollo to cure:
He'll try it; he'll work for his salary sure!

Eu. Let the cattle alone; I've two beeves of my own:
Let me part with them first; and then do your worst.585

Peis. But, if men shall acknowledge your merit and worth,
As equal to Saturn, to Neptune, and Earth,
And to everything else; we shall freely bestow
All manner of blessings.

Hoo. Explain them and shew.

Peis. For instance: if locusts arrive to consume
All their hopes of a crop, when the vines are in bloom,
A squadron of Owls may demolish them all;
The Midges moreover, which canker and gall590
The figs and the fruit, if the Thrush is employed,
By a single battalion will soon be destroyed.

Hoo. But wealth is their object; and how can we grant it?

Peis. We can point them out mines; and our help will be wanted
To inspect, and direct navigation and trade;

Their voyages all will be easily made,