The representations of microscopical preparations are taken from my "Studies of Acute Poliomyelitis" and "Further Studies," etc.
Plate I, No. I. Round-cell infiltration of the ganglion cells of the lateral group of the gray matter, in the sacral region of the cord, from a case two and a half days after the onset.
Plate I, No. 2. Ganglion cells from the same region in the same case, almost destroyed by phagocytic neuroglia cells (Neurophages).
Plate I, No. 3. Infiltration of the lymphatic space of a central vessel from the lumbar cord of the same case.
Plate I, No. 4. Infiltration of a vascular space and of the surrounding tissue in the anterior horn of the lumbar cord in the same case.
Plate II, No. 1. Round-cell infiltration of the pia in the antero-lateral gray matter of the sacral cord, from a case of three to four days' duration.
Plate II, No. 2. Area of round-cell accumulation in the posterior root entrance zone of the sacral region, in a seven-day case.
Plate II, No. 3. Right anterior horn from the upper dorsal region of the same. Apex of the anterior horn is directed downwards. To the right and left of the section can be seen the much less infiltrated white matter.
Plate II, No. 4. The greater part of the gray matter of the spinal cord in the upper lumbar region of the same case. Marked infiltration of Clark's column (to the right). The infiltrated anterior system with the entering central vessels below and to the left. Posterior columns below and to the right.
Plate II, No. 5. Left anterior horn, apex downwards, from the dorsal region of the same case. The larger vessels chiefly infiltrated. Below, to left and right, can be seen the white matter, which is here very slightly affected.
Plate II, No. 6. Circumscribed area of disintegration from Clark's column in a two-day case.
Plate II, No. 7. Hypoglossal nucleus of the same case. Round-cell infiltration of the vessels and of the supporting tissue with normal ganglion cells.
Plate II, No. 8. Area of round cells in the brain cortex from a seven-day case.
Plate II, No. 9. Anterior part of the anterior horn, in the cervical enlargement, from a three weeks' case. The supporting and nerve tissue has been destroyed and absorbed. Only the vessels surrounded by multinuclear cells still remain.
Plate II, No. 10. Anterior horn, apex downwards, of lumbar enlarge- ment, from an eight weeks' case. The whole lateral half (left of plate) of the anterior horn is destroyed.