Page:Adams and Jefferson.djvu/54

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1. Who was Daniel Webster?

2. Where and when was he born?

3. What can you say of his father and mother?

4. Tell something about Webster's boyhood days in the wilds of New Hampshire.

5. What can you tell of his early love for books?

6. Illustrate by what he afterwards told of his committing portions of Pope, Addison and other English classic authors to memory.

7. What have you learned of Webster's early school life?

8. Why were his opportunities so very meagre?

9. Tell what you can of his brother Ezekiel.

10. Can you give the often-quoted story of the plea for the life of a woodchuck, made by the two brothers?

11. To what famous school was Daniel sent at an early age?

12. What peculiar timidity did the future orator show at this school?

13. Repeat from memory what he said about it.

14. What other great orators have showed a similar weakness in early life?

15. What college did Webster fit for and attend?

16. What have you read of his college career?

17. What local fame did he acquire at college?

18. What did he do first after graduation?

19. What did he do with his first savings?

20. Tell something about Ezekiel Webster's untimely death.

21. What opinion did Webster always cherish of his brother's talents?

22. What profession did Daniel adopt?

23. Where did he first settle, and with what success?

24. What official position was he offered?

25. Was this a turning point in his career, and why?

26. What can you say of his father's disappointment?

27. Explain how a few years showed that the future orator decided wisely.

28. What was his first entrance to a political career?

29. What great fame did he now rapidly gain?

30. Mention the political positions filled by him during his life.

31. What can you say of his fame as a great lawyer, as a great orator, and as a great statesman?

32. Tell what you can of one or more of his great legal cases.

33. Mention the circumstances attending the delivery of three or more of his great orations.

34. What were some of the most noteworthy things done by him as a statesman?

35. Describe Daniel Webster's personal appearance.

36. To what extent did it help his oratory?

37. What were some of his most marked personal characteristics?

38. What was the great disappointment of his life?

39. Did it hasten his death?

40. When and where did Daniel Webster die?

41. What can you say of his last days?

42. What were the marked characteristics of his oratory?

43. How will Webster compare with other great orators of this or any other great country? Explain in some detail.