Page:Adams ex rel. Kasper v. School Board of St. Johns County, Florida (2022).pdf/72

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USCA11 Case: 18-13592 Document: 304-1 Date Filed: 12/30/2022 Page: 72 of 150

Jordan, J., Dissenting

unless we had a court order to do anything different. But we have to use what’s on the registration packet.

Q: So you could have a situation where you have a transfer student, say, from Broward County, a transfer transgender student, let’s say a – changed to male who shows up who had their birth certificate from that – prior to coming to St. Johns and they register, you would have a transgender student basically violating your [restroom] policy because you would know; is that correct, ma’am?

A: I would go specifically by the paperwork. Whatever I see is what we would go by.

D.E. 161 at 205–06.

The testimony of Cathy Mittelstadt, the School Board’s deputy superintendent for operations, was the same:

Q: If … a transgender person matriculated to your school and had a birth certificate listing their gender identity that was different than their biological birth sex, but that’s the first document that the school had that showed … their sex, how would they be characterized by the St. Johns County School District?

A: If that student is entering our district for the first time with a birth certificate that indicates male or female … and all the other documents support that’s what the student is entering, then that first-time entry would predicate. That’s how we would manage that student.