Page:Adapting and Writing Language Lessons.pdf/360

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EXPLORING: Question based on pictures

Q Mũnduũ ũyũ arĩ kũ ? Where is this perosn?
  1. Learn to ask this Q.
  2. Get 8-12 short A, based on the pictures. Discard the 4-8 most difficult, so that you are left with 4-8 answers. Write down the approximate meanings in E. DO NOT write in the FL yet.


  1. SQ, TA, SA, TC, (Ax max. 3)
  2. SQ, TA, SA, Ta, SA, TC (Ax max. 3)
  3. TAx? , Sye sAx
  4. TAx?, SyesAx/noAy
  5. TAx?, SnoAy
  6. TQ, SA, TC
  7. SA1-n
  8. Write down A1-nTC
  9. S read A1-n'
  FL. English.
A1 (Műndĩ ũyũ) arĩ cukuru She is in School.
A2 "" arĩ kigũ. He is in cowshed.
A3 "" arĩ gĩthĩi-inĩ He is at the thresher
A4 "" arĩ wabiei He is in an office
  1. Get 2-4 A that are demonstrable or known to be true outside the pictures. Treat as above.