Page:Address of the Convention and a New Constitution for Massachusetts.djvu/26

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with power to authorize and require, and the legiſlature ſhall, from time to time, authorize and require, the ſeveral towns, pariſhes, precincts, and other bodies politic, or religions ſocieties, to make ſuitable proviſion, at their own expence, for the inſtitution of the public worſip of GOD, and for the ſapport and maintenance of public proteſtant teachers of piety, religion and morality, in all caſes where ſuch proviſion ſhall not be made voluntarily.

And the people of this Commonwealth have alſo a right to, and do, inveſt their legiſlature with authority to enjoin upon all the ſubjects an attendance upon the inſtructions of the public teachers aforeſaid, at ſtated times and ſeaſons, if there be any on whoſe inſtructions they can conſcienciouſly and conveniently attend.

Provided notwithſtanding, that the ſeveral towns, pariſses, precincts, and other bodies-politic, or religious ſocieties, ſhall, at all times, have the excluſive right of electing their public teachers, and of contracting with them for their ſupport and maintenance.

And all monies paid by the ſubject to the ſupport of public worſhip, and of the public teachers aforeſaid, ſhall, if he require it, be uniformly applied to the ſupport of the public teacher or teachers of his own religious ſect or denomination, provided there be any on whoſe inſtructions he attends; otherwiſe it may be paid towards the ſupport of the teacher or teachers of the pariſh or precinct in which the ſaid monies are raiſed.

And every denomination of chriſtians, demeaning themſelves peaceably, and as good ſubjects of the Commonwealth, ſhall be equally under the pro-tection