The following books may be recommended to the general reader who desires to know more of Fichte’s life and ideas.
The Popular Works of J. G. Fichte. Translated, with a memoir, by William Smith. 2 vols. Chapman, London, 1848-9. 2nd edition, Trübner, 1873.
The Vocation of Man. Translated by William Smith. 2nd edition. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910.
Fichte. By R. Adamson. Blackwood’s Philosophical Classics. London, 1881.
Fichte. Article, by R. Adamson, in Ency. Brit., 11th edition.
Life and Times of Stein. By J. R. Seeley. 3 vols. Cambridge University Press, 1878.
Fichte et son Temps. By X. Léon. vol. I. Armand Colin, Paris, 1922.