way and other officers of great value on account of their honour and energy, were left out, and sent to do that which the others could have done equally well. ······· Rio de Janeiro, 17th April 1776.
(Signed) Marquez do Lavradio.
To Senhor Robert MacDonell.
No. 19
From the Marquis do Lavradio to Senhor Martinho de Mello e Castro.
Your Excellency—Since I last had the honour of writing to Your Excellency, there has been nothing fresh as regards the South, as Your Excellency will see by Lieut.-General João Henrique de Böhm's letter, a copy of which I have the honour to forward to you, together with a copy of my reply and the other papers which bear upon the said letter. I further forward to Your Excellency a copy of the reply which I wrote to the Lieut.-General with regard to the letter which I had already received, and of which I have already sent a first copy to Your Excellency, and now send you a second.
By the letter last received Your Excellency will see that the Spaniards are doing all that they can, and it is my belief that if they were not afraid of the forces which I have on that continent, and the