Page:Admonition against Profane and Common Swearing.djvu/21

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againſt Swearing.

they will yet go on ſo perverſely and obſtinately, to pull down the Divine Vengeance upon their own Heads.

You cannot but know how expreſly the Scripture declares, that God will not hold him guiltleſs that taketh his Name in vain, (Exod. xx. 7) that the Sin of Vain-Swearing proceeds in a particular Manner from an evil Heart, or the evil one, that is the Devil, (Matt. v. 37.) and that it brings Men into Condemnation, (Jam. v. 12.)

If you knew theſe Things, why would you ſuffer yourſelf, all this while, to be led by a fooliſh Habit, and an unreaſonable Humour, to defy God, and deſtroy your own Soul? If you did not know or conſider them before, lay them ſeriouſly to Heart now; and as you deſire the Favour of God, and the Salvation of your Soul, continue no longer in a Practice which you know will deprive you of both. Believe me, it is a Warning of too great Moment to be ſlighted; and therefore, read and mark diligently what I have here drawn up, to convince you of the Sinfulneſs, the Folly, and the Danger of Vain-
