Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/139

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of the presence of the survivors of the Severn in the very part of the island they were then exploring? The report of a gun fired by one of them would be enough to reveal their presence to Walston? And then the four would fall into the hands of the scoundrel, who would give them no mercy.

"We must go to their assistance," said Briant; "and let them know before to-morrow."

"And bring them back to French Den," added Gordon. " More than ever it is necessary for us to be united, so as to concert measures against an attack."

"Yes," said Briant; "and as it is necessary they should come back, they will come back! I will go after them."

"You, Briant!"

"Yes, I, Gordon!"

"And how?"

"I'll go in the yawl with Moko. In a few hours we can cross the lake and go down East River, as we did before. There is every chance we shall find Donagan at its mouth."

"When will you go?"

"This evening," said Briant, "as soon as the darkness allows us to get across without being seen."

"May I go with you?" asked Jack.

"No," said Briant. "It is imperative that we all come back in the boat, and we shall not have room for six."

"That is agreed, then?" asked Gordon.

"That is agreed."

It was in fact the best thing to do, not only for the sake of Donagan and his companions, but also for the rest. Four boys more, and those not the weakest of the party, was a reinforcement not to be despised. And there was not an hour to lose if they were all to be back at French Den within twenty-four hours.

Until evening came the boys remained in the hall, where Kate heard the story of their adventures. She no longer thought of herself, but of those around her.