Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/145

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But perhaps Kate can tell us whereabouts Charman Island is?"

Kate had already been asked by Gordon and Briant, and could tell them nothing. After the burning of the Severn, Mr. Evans had laid the course of the boat straight for the American continent, and consequently Charman Island could not be very far away from it. But the name of the island on which he had been cast, he had never mentioned during the storm. The numerous archipelagoes on the coast must be within a short distance, and there were very good reasons for Walston to try and reach them, and in the meantime to stay on the eastern shore. If he could only get his boat into a seaworthy state, he would not have much trouble in reaching the South American coast.

"Unless," said Briant, "he comes to the mouth of East River, and finding there traces of your camp, Donagan, resolves to search further inland."

"But what traces?" replied Donagan. "A few cinders! what would that tell him? that the island is inhabited! and if so, the scoundrels would only think of hiding themselves."

"Exactly," said Briant. "Until they discovered that the population of the island consisted of a parcel of boys. We must do nothing to let him know who we are! And that reminds me, Donagan, did you fire your gun on your journey back to Deception Bay."

"No; and that is rather strange," said Donagan, smiling. " For I am rather inclined to burn too much powder. When we left the shore we had a good supply of game, and no shooting took place to reveal our presence. Last night Wilcox was going to fire at the jaguar, but luckily you arrived in time and saved my life at the risk of your own."

"You need say no more about that, Donagan," said Briant. " But don't let us have another gun fired; let us keep away from Trap Woods, and let us live on our reserves."