Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/153

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not only did the birds swarm on the island, but others were taken in the snares near French Den.

During these long, idle days, many were the hours now passed in the hall. Baxter, who had charge of the log, found not an incident to relate. And in less than four months the third winter would begin for the colonists of Charman Island!

The boys noticed with deep anxiety, how discouragement was seizing upon the most energetic — with the exception of Gordon who was always deep in the details of management.

Even Briant at times despaired, although he did his best to hide it. He tried to encourage his comrades to continue their studies, to resume their debates, and their readings aloud. He reminded them constantly of their country and their friends, averring that one day they would go back. He did all he could to keep up their spirits, but with little success, and his great fear was that despair would overwhelm them.

Nothing of the sort! Events of the greatest importance were at hand which soon gave them quite sufficient excitement.

It was on the 21st of November, about two o'clock in the afternoon, when Donagan was fishing in the lake, that his attention was attracted by the discordant cries of a score of birds hovering over the left bank of the stream. If the birds were not crows — which they somewhat resembled — they evidently belonged to the same species.

Donagan would have taken little notice of their cries had not their behaviour been strange.

They were describing large circles, diminishing in radius as they neared the ground, until in a compact group they swooped down.

Then the noise became greater than ever, but in vain Donagan tried to catch a glimpse of the birds among the thick bushes in which they had disappeared.

The thought occurred to him that the carcase of some animal must be there. Curious to know what was the matter, he returned to French Den and asked Moko to