Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/158

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of uneasiness. She jumped up and ran to the door and gave a long continuous growl.

"Has Fan scented anything? " asked Donagan, trying to quiet the dog.

"When that intelligent animal went on like this before," said Baxter, "she made no mistake."

"Before we go to bed," said Gordon, "we must find out what it all means."

"Quite so," said Briant, "but let nobody go out, and let us be ready to defend ourselves."

Each took his gun and revolver. Then Donagan stepped towards the door of the hall, and Moko towards the door of the store-room. They listened at the threshold, but not a sound did they hear outside, although Fan continued to growl and began to bark loudly. This was most unfortunate, and Gordon tried in vain to keep her quiet.

Suddenly there was the report of a gun. There could be no mistaking it for a thunder-clap. And the gun must have been fired within two hundred yards of French Den.

Donagan, Baxter, Wilcox, and Cross picked up their rifles and stood ready at the doors to open fire on whoever approached. The others had begun to heap up the stones and form the barricade, when a voice outside was heard shouting, —

"Help! Help!" There was a man in danger of his life undoubtedly.

"Help!" repeated the voice, this time but a few yards away.

Kate was listening near the door.

"It is him!" she said.

"Him?" exclaimed Briant.

"Open the door! Open the door!" said Kate. The door was opened, and a man dripping with water rushed in amongst them. It was Evans of the Severn.