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E Dharmasya Adnya nihitam Guhayam, — wateasirenfeeeaperearay t Mahajano yasya gatasah panthah. ApraeanaeTaaay

(There are different Vedic edicts, Smritis give different viewpoints, and Darsanas are different. There is no one Muni whose advice is standard, so what is right Dharmic path is a perplexing issue. Therefore an individual should follow the practices which are told, followed and acted upon by the Mahajans or Great Men).

Even in interpretations of modern laws the judges follow not only the letter of the Law but the prior judgements and conventions that are laid down by earlier jurists. Kings used to have vast powers, but a king was supposed to rule within the limits of Dharma. This was a convention. Anushasan was the Anushasan of Dharma. Again the definition of Dharma was not to be made by the king but by those Mahajans who were following the Dharma. That is why the Rights are not important but Duties are and they were based on conventions of the practicing Dharamachari Mahajans. Duties of seniors were taking care of the rights of the juniors. And all have

~ to be within the limits of Dharma. That is why the first ideal of Man is Dharma. Moksha is the ultimate achievement of self realisation. Two other ideals of Artha and Kama are to be achieved within the boundaries of Dharma and Moksha. These are fundamental rules of social behaviour in India. As these boundaries are kept intact the society remains strong and sustaining.

While teaching arithmetical sums, the teacher cannot give the example that if A has ten rupees in his pocket and B steals them without consent then calculate how many will remain in the pocket of A cannot be an example of subtraction. Such a style of arithmetic teaching will would contradict all the basic values and the edicts of Dharma. While teaching mixtures, ratios and proportion we cannot teach students how to adulterate things. To have definition of a Dharma which is flexible yet firm, based on the actual behaviour of Mahajan’s everchanging is the crux of

Indian Philosophy.

Every Manager has to achieve this status of Mahajan. Managers are constantly connected to a large number of people and their behaviour is likely to affect the behaviour of many others.

Adhyay 10

an ideal of becoming Mahajan then the things

If Managers keep to n ment. Vinoba has expounded the following

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