Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/120

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311 acres of Coffee yielded 81,614 lbs., equal to 262·42 lbs. to the acre.

2196 acres of Oranges yielded 1,628,167 dozen, equal to 741·43 dozen to the acre.

"But more farmers are wanted to grow crops, especially wheat and barley, for which there is a market on the spot, Queensland not producing half enough for own consumption!

"Population, Total, 500,000 people, about half as many as in Liverpool—one English town. The people are mainly British. English character, English laws, customs, money, weights and measures. 160 acres freehold can be purchased at 2s. 6d. an acre payable in yearly instalments of 6d. an acre each year for five years. Single farm servants get £35 to £50, married couples up to £75 a year and all found; female domestic servants from £20 to £75 a year with board and lodging. Nothing to pay back. Persons obtaining a Free Passage are entirely free on arrival. Nothing to work out. Free to work at what they please, where they please, and for whom they please; twelve month's trial, and of (sic) residence in Queensland being the only condition. Government Homes at all ports of landing on the other side until hired, board and lodging in them being free of any expense. Free passes up the railways to New Arrivals. Cheapest Australian Colony to Reach. A full paid 3rd class passage by Mail Steamer can be obtained for £13, 13s. (including ship kit). Only vessels of the very highest class are engaged by the Government to carry their passengers. It is the safest and pleasantest voyage in the world."

Truly an energetic pamphlet!—which is, quite seriously, worth reading throughout. The charms of the voyage would be hard to exaggerate, since the route is