Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/197

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Appendix A


The Australian Squadron, maintained by Australasia, for Protection of Floating Trade in Australasian Waters.

[N.B.—Exclusive of H.M. Ships of the British Navy on the Australian Station.]

Boomerang, twin screw torpedo gunboat, first class, 2 guns, 735 tons, i.h,p. 2,500 n.d. (in reserve).

Karrakatta, twin screw torpedo gunboat, first class, 2 guns, 735 tons, i.h.p. 2,500 n.d. Lieut, and Commander, Richard M. Harbord.

Katoomba, twin screw cruiser, third class, 8 guns, 2,575 tons, i.h.p. 4,000 n.d. Captain, Herbert W. S. Gibson.

Mildura, twin screw cruiser, third class, 8 guns, 2,575 tons, i.h.p. 4,000 n.d. Captain, Henry Leah.

Ringarooma, twin screw cruiser, third class, guns, 2,575 tons, i.h.p. 4,000 n.d. (in reserve).

Tauranga, twin screw cruiser, third class, 8 guns, 2,575 tons, i.h.p. 4,000 n.d. Captain, W. L. H. Browne.

Wallaroo, twin screw cruiser, third class, 8 guns, 2,575 tons, i.h.p. 4,000 n.d. Captain, George N. A. Pollard.

Memorandum of Agreement between Great Britain and Australian Colonies.

1. There shall be a force of sea-going ships of war to be provided, equipped, manned, and maintained at joint cost. 2. Officers and men to be changed triennially. 3. The vessels to be