Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/200

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Appendix B


Victoria, 5ft. 3in.; South Australia, 5ft. 3in. and 3ft. 6in.; New South Wales, 4ft. 8½in, except Moama to Deniliquin (connecting with Victorian line), 5ft. 3in.; Queensland, 3ft. 6in.; Western Australia, 3ft. 6in.; Tasmania, 3ft. 6in.; New Zealand, 4ft. 8½in. and 3ft. 6in. In England and Scotland the gauge is 4ft. 8½in.; in Ireland, 5ft. 3in.; in India, 5ft. 6in.

Appendix C


On the occasion of the presentation of the address by both Houses of Parliament of Victoria to the Queen, praying that the draft Bill to constitute a Commonwealth of Australia be passed into law by the Imperial Parliament, Lord Brassey spoke as follows: "Departing from formal precedent, I shall venture on this historic occasion to say a few words not officially inspired, but which will, perhaps, the better give utterance to the feelings of the hour. The address which you ask me in your name to transmit, marks a turning point in your national history. It closes an era in which great things have been done. In no other country, not in the most advanced of the communities of the old world, are law and order more assured, public tranquillity less disturbed, the standard of living for the whole people higher, provision for education more liberal; in none is self-government, the distinctive gift of our race, more admirably illustrated. Statesmanship, eloquence, sound common sense, lofty patriotism, have never been wanting even in the smallest of the Australian Parliaments; and now, looking forward to the future, and remembering all you have done in the past under difficult circumstances and the