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Messrs. Methuen's Catalogue


Naval and Military

G. W. Steevens. NAVAL POLICY : By G. W. Steevens. Demy 8vo. 6s.

This book is a description of the British and other more important navies of the world, with a sketch of the lines on which our naval policy might possibly be developed.

'An extremely able and interesting work.' — Daily Chronicle.

D. Hannay. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROYAL NAVY, From E.\RLY Times to the Present Day. By David Hannay. Illustrated. 2 Vols. Demy %vo. js. 6d. each. Vol. I., 1200-1688.

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'We can warmly recommend Mr. Hannay 's volume to any intelligent student of naval history. Great as is the merit of Mr. Hannay 's historical narrative, the merit of his strategic exposition is even greater. ' — Times.

C. Cooper King. THE STORY OF THE BRITISH ARMY. By Colonel Cooper King. Illustrated. Defny 8vo. 7s. 6d.

'An authoritative and accurate story of England's military progress.' — Daily Mail.

R. Southey. ENGLISH SEAMEN (Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish). By Robert Southey. Edited, with an Introduction, by David Hannay. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. 'A brave, inspiriting book.' — Black and White.

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Third Edition. Crown Zvo. 6s. ' A book which we should like to see in the hands of every boy in the country.' — St. James's Gazette. ' A really good book.' — Saturday Review.

E. L. S. Horsburgh. THE CAM- PAIGN OF WATERLOO. By E. L. S. Horsburgh, B.A. With Plans. Croivn 8vo. 51. 'A brilliant essay — simple, sound, and thorough.' — Daily Chronicle.

H. B. George. BATTLES OF ENGLISH HISTORY. By H. B. George, M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford. With numerous Plans. Third Edition. Cr. 8vo. 6s. ' Mr. George has undertaken a very useful task — that of making military affairs in- telligible and instructive to non-military readers — and has executed it with a large measure of success.' — Times.

General Literature

8. Baring Gould. OLD COUNTRY LIFE. ByS. Baking Gould. With Sixty-seven Illustrations. Large Cr. 8vo. Fifth Edition. 6s. ' "Old Country Life," as healthy wholesome reading, full of breezy life and move- ment, full of quaint stories vigorously told, will not be excelled by any book to be published throughout the year. Sound, hearty, and English to the core.' —IVerld.

S. Baring GoiUd. AN OLD ENGLISH HOME. By S. Baring Gould. With numerous Plans and Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo. 6s. ' The chapters are delightfully fresh, very informing, and lightened by many a good story. A delightful fireside companion.' — St. James's Gazette.